Imam Ahmed Raza Photo Urus Mubarak Photos IIslam Religion
Imam Ahmed Raza Photo
- Ala Hazrat Urus Picture ( Ala Hazrat Urus Photos )
Peshe Khidmat Hai Ala Hazrat Urus Picture HD Photos which is in 1000 HD This is the pictures of Bareilly Sharif of Ala Hazrat Urus Picture, share it to Ala Hazrat Urus Picture Download
Ala Hazrat Urus Picture ( Ala Hazrat Urus Photos )
Ala Hazrat Urus Picture ( Ala Hazrat Urus Photos )
Ala Hazrat Urus Picture ( Ala Hazrat Urus Photos )
Peshe Khidmat Hai Bareilly Sharif HD Photos which is in 1000 HD This is Imam Ahmad Raza's pictures of Bareilly Sharif, you share Bareilly Sharif photos, download it.
Bareilly Sharif Photo HD
Bareilly Sharif Photo HD
Bareilly Sharif Photo HD
Profession Khidmat is Aala Hazrat Shayari. This is the poetry of Bareilly Sharif of Aala Hazrat Shayari, share it to Aala Hazrat Shayari
You are a teacher, you are a master, you are our power
You do generate us, you are our transformer.
तू है टीचर, तू है मास्टर, तू ही तो है हमारा पावर
तू करता है हमें जेनरेट तू ही तो है हमारा ट्रांसफार्मर.
तूने हमारी ज़िन्दगी बचाई, तूने हमारी आख़िरत बचाई,
करे कैसे शुक्रिया तेरा, तूने हमारी नैय्या पार लगाई.
You saved our life, you saved our life.
How can I thank you, you have crossed our destiny.
तेरा मुल्क है मेरा वतन, तेरा जतन मेरा धन.
तेरी कलम मेरी जिंदगी का रास्ता, तेरा इल्म मेरे लिए मोहम्मद का वास्ता।
Your country is my country, your life is my wealth
Your pen is the way of my life, your Ilm is the way of Mohammed for me.
- Ala Hazrat Real Photo Hd DownLoad
Profession Khidmat Hai Ala Hazrat Real Photo Hd DownLoad HD Photos which is in 1000 HD This is Bareilly Sharif's Photos of Ala Hazrat Real Photo Hd DownLoad. Share this Share Ala Hazrat Real Photo Hd DownLoad.
Ala Hazrat Real Photo Hd DownLoad
Ala Hazrat Real Photo Hd DownLoad
Ala Hazrat Real Photo Hd DownLoad
Ala Hazrat Real Photo Hd DownLoad
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Profession Khidmat will be Tajusharia PNG picture hd png, Tajushariya images hd HD Photos which is in 1000 HD This is Bareilly Sharif's Photos of Tajusharia PNG picture hd png, Tajushariya images hd. Share this Share Ala Hazrat Real Photo Hd DownLoad. Coming Soon